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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Guaranteeing the correct "look" of a portrait

    Today, I want to show you how to guarantee that your portrits will have the "look" that you want, as far as making men look mannish and ladies/girls look feminine, children childlike, athletes look athletic, etc.
    Amazingly, it has more to do with "lines" than anything else.
    You should always photograph men with their body parts in straight lines.
    If you stop and think about it, that's how men do things. Their football fields are marked off in straight lines, Marines stand at attention, golfers "keep that left arm striaght", boxers stand with their arms at right angles, etc.
    Now ladies/girls need to be portrayed in "S" curves. Did you ever see a man desribe his girlfriend's figure by moving his hands up and down like a railroad track, or in a circular motion like a bowling ball? No!, of course NOT, is the answer. He makes a "S" with each hand, up and down, and says. "She's gorgeous".
    So men should be photographed with a hand firmly on a desk or chair, perhaps holding an object like a book or some related object....their upper and lower arms forming a straight lined angle.
    Ladies/girls, on the other hand, should be turned to the side so their curves form "S" curves, with their arms and hands at as many angles as they will bend in "S' curves.
    Athletes and strong men should be photographed from low angles, so they look more dominant. Ladies/girls from level to look their girlish best. Another trick with females is, "if you don't know what to do with something....Hide it behind something". Stand them in front of unwanted distracting objects.
    Ladies/girls feet should be in the shape of a T, with the toe nearest the camera pointed in roughly the camera's direction.
    Photograph men's legs straight or firmly bent, as with one foot on a step higher than the other.
    Last, for now, turn all their bodies to some degree away from the camera. They all look slimmer that way.
    More later. 

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