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Making Prize Winning Photos... Anyone can snap a photo, but it takes much more to make a lasting memory!

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Photographing People Together

Photographing people together, or in groups, presents a different set of considerations.
    First, what is the purpose? Let's start with two young people.
    Now, are they in love, or brother and sister, or two siblings of the same sex, such as sisters, or what.
    Keep in mind the other things I have told you....straight line poses for boys, "S" curves for girls. Men/boys usually look best when leaning slightly forward. Take, for instance, athletes are almost always leaning forward....for sure, the military.
    Girls kiss leaning back, and are the one who usually lean back when dancing, etc. Ginger Rogers, dancing with Fred Astaire, said she had to match his every step, mostly going  backward, and in high heels.
    So, it makes sense for the male to lean toward a female, with his head forward and hers back. see below:

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